
By : Puri Areta
Sumber : Kompasiana

Today‘s a beautiful day
I like born again
Today’s a happy day
Because you and I have to say
All the love that is in the heart
We are both happy to have love
You tell me that millions of beautiful words
You love me, not because what am I...
You love me because what you are when you are with me
You tell... no one deserves my tears, and the one who does will never make me cry
“Real friend is one who is holding your hand but touching your soul”
“You can be only a person in this world,but for somebody you are whole world”
How sweet words from you dear
O my beloved
I wish you hold me in your hug and on your chest
So I feel peaceful and happy
All quiet in my life is gone
When I'm sad you are always there for me
You are such a kind, good heart man
I want to be able to make your soul and your life happy
Something that you are missing in our recent life
Allow me to make you happy now and forever
I fall in love with you because you're a good man
You are very attentive and love me
Your handsome face is always smiling and makes me miss you
All that is in you is perfect in my eyes
Thank you..
Because I become your queen now
At your heart I'm your princess too
How wonderful to have you
Hopefully our love everlasting
I love you my dear...

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